But the ruthless retrenchment of dozens of journalists has hit the image of the group. On one hand the group has for years appointed managers who get fat salaries and huge pay packages but on the other hand, it treats its journalits in a rather stranger manner.
Salaries are not in proportion and the journalists on whom the success of the paper rests, get raw deal. In comparison, managers and those who have connections get handsome packages. In Inore and Bhopal, it handed over pink slip to many employees, most of whom got salary in just four figures.
They call it rationalisation. Hindi news website B4M writes that the paper sacked two senior journalists of Bilaspur edition when they raised their voice agains this attitude of the management. It is sad that journalists who raise the voice of others, are unable to have anybody speak for them.
They can't write their own story as they don't own the papers. The owners' treatment is far from satisfactory. Long back the Bhaskar group was earning Rs 1000 crore annually. Now they have multiple businesses and paper is published from the whole North India.
We expect a group like Bhaskar to be sensitive and true to journalists who have made it successful. As outsiders, we have no say but we appeal to them to stop the job cuts. Though there are reports that the owners now plan to stop the retrenchments. Those who have been sacked, should also be taken back.